Translation of the song Cine sunt eu? artist Nicole Cherry
Cine sunt eu?
Who am I?
Nu sunt eu cand ma uit in oglinda
I'm not me when I look in the mirror
Am trupul intreg, dar inima ranita
I have an intact body, but a wounded heart
Nu sunt eu cand ma uit inapoi
I'm not me when I look back
Stiu ca n-o sa pot sa fac din unu, doi
I know that I won't be able to make two from one
Singura, nesigura
Alone, unsure
Stau in camera si-aud
I stay in my room and hear
Pasii tai, dar nu ma-ntorc
Your steps, but I don't return
De durere, ma ascund
Out of pain, I hide
De inima, ce victima
Of the heart, what a victim
Te-ai lasat dusa de val
You let the waves carry you away
Tu inoti prin amintiri
You swim through memories
Si nu mai ajungi la mal
And don't come back to the shore
Cine sunt eu
Who am I
Eu nu sunt fata asta
I'm not this girl
Ce plange ranita
Who cries, wounded
Eu imi spun mereu
I always tell myself
Sa tin capul sus
To keep my head up
Cand ma uit in oglinda
When I look in the mirror
Zi-mi, cine sunt eu
Tell me, who am I
Ce sunt eu pentru tine
Who am I for you
Ce-am fost, ce raman eu
What was I, what am I now
Stie el cine sunt
He knows who I am
Asta-i ultima oara
This is the last time
E ultima oara cand plang
It's the last time I cry
Asta-i ultima oara
This is the last time
E ultima oara cand plang
It's the last time I cry
Asta-i ultima oara
This is the last time
E ultima oara
It's the last time
Si inca incerc sa-mi amintesc
And I'm still trying to remember
Daca inaintea ta eram altcineva
If I was someone else before you
Inca ma lupt sa rup din mine
I'm still fighting to rip out of myself
Ce-a ramas din noi, sa te pot uita
What remained of us, so that I can forget you
Singura, nesigura
Alone, unsure
Stau in camera si-aud
I stay in my room and hear
Pasii tai, dar nu ma-ntorc
Your steps, but I don't return
De durere, ma ascund
Out of pain, I hide
De inima, ce victima
Of the heart, what a victim
Te-ai lasat dusa de val
You let the waves carry you away
Tu inoti prin amintiri
You swim through memories
Si nu mai ajungi la mal
And don't come back to the shore
Cine sunt eu
Who am I
Eu nu sunt fata asta
I'm not this girl
Ce plange ranita
Who cries, wounded
Eu imi spun mereu
I always tell myself
Sa tin capul sus
To keep my head up
Cand ma uit in oglinda
When I look in the mirror
Zi-mi, cine sunt eu
Tell me, who am I
Ce sunt eu pentru tine
Who am I for you
Ce-am fost, ce raman eu
What was I, what am I now
Stie el cine sunt
He knows who I am
Asta-i ultima oara
This is the last time
E ultima oara cand plang
It's the last time I cry
Asta-i ultima oara
This is the last time
E ultima oara cand plang
It's the last time I cry
Asta-i ultima oara
This is the last time
E ultima oara…
It's the last time...