Translation of the song Doctore artist Nicole Cherry
Eu nu sunt doctor, nu vindec dureri
I'm not a doctor, I don't heal pains
De iubire aduse la bar
Caused by love brought to the bar
Ganduri blurate in noapte apar
Blurred thoughts appear in the night
Cautand fericire in pahar
Looking for happiness in a glass
Sorbi iar si iar din povesti, stiu eu
You sip again and again from stories, I know
Povesti fara final
Stories without an ending
La mine se rup doua inimi mereu
In me, two hearts always break
Din acelasi vechi jurnal
From the same old journal
Cu adevarat am iubit doar un barbat
I really only have loved one man
Prietena mea imparte cu el acum acelasi pat
Now my friend shares a bed with him
Doctore ai vindeca
Doctor, would you heal
Vindeca inima mea
Heal my heart
Doctore nu mai bate cum batea
Doctor, it doesn't beat like it used to anymore
Doctore stii rana mea
Doctor, you know my wound
E deschisa in fata ta
It's laid bare before you
Când eu ţip, toarna ce vrei tu pe ea
When I cry out, pour whatever you want onto it
Ai carte, ai parte, ajungi departe
You have the books, you have the part, you'll get far
Mama asa spunea
That's what mom used to say
Mi-a spus copilo ai grija te rog si de inima ta
She said to me, child, please also take care of your heart
Danseaza amandoi aici in fata mea si ea
They both dance here in front of me and she
Calca stramb cu pantofii lui iar pe inima mea
Stomps again on my heart with his shoes
Cu adevarat am iubit doar un barbat
I really only have loved one man
Prietena mea imparte cu el acum acelasi pat
Now my friend shares a bed with him
Doctore ai vindeca
Doctor, would you heal
Vindeca inima mea
Heal my heart
Doctore nu mai bate cum batea
Doctor, it doesn't beat like it used to anymore
Doctore stii rana mea
Doctor, you know my wound
E deschisa in fata ta
It's laid bare before you
Când eu ţip, toarna ce vrei tu pe ea
When I cry out, pour whatever you want onto it
Cand iubesti prea mult, iubirea doare
When you love too much, love hurts
Oferind mai mult, din iubita ajungi cersetoare
Offering more, from girlfriend, you become a beggar
Inima iarta-ma, te-am pacalit
Heart, forgive me, I've fooled you
Am vrut sa ma simt iubita si te-am oferit
I wanted to feel loved and I offered you
Doctore ai vindeca
Doctor, would you heal
Vindeca inima mea
Heal my heart
Doctore numai bate cum batea
Doctor, it doesn't beat like it used to anymore
Doctore stii rana mea
Doctor, you know my wound
E deschisa in fata ta
It's laid bare before you
Când eu ţip, toarna ce vrei tu pe ea
When I cry out, pour whatever you want onto it