Translation of the song 君とぼくとのさよならに artist Lamp
For The Goodbye Between You And Me
いつも通りの朝の光を浴びて 目覚めた部屋には君はいない
In the room where I woke up to the usual morning light, but you weren’t there
I’ll have to leave before the dawn stars wavering in blue disappear
大好きだった街の 憧れていた東京の空に降るおぼろ雨
While the misty rain is falling upon the sky of Tokyo, the city I loved and dreamed of
We didn’t ever notice afternoon raindrops pass us by
The two of us with their heads in the clouds
瞬きの間に流れ出したメロディー 帰らない日々を歌っている
The melody played in the blink of an eye as it sang of the days that wouldn’t come twice
ずっと ずっと 同じ夢を見ていた
I’ve been, I’ve been having the same dream for so long
いつもとは違う風の匂いがした 曇り空とぼくの心模様
The smell of the wind isn’t the same as before; the cloudy skies above and how they feel
二人が歩いたいつもの通りも あたたかい雨に包まれて
We used to walk the streets swathed in the warming rain
離れてゆく風 かおる街の景色を午後の雨 にじませて
The wind is now slowly dying, staining the view of the scenting city with afternoon rain
離れてゆく君のその左手に今 時が止まるほどの
In your left hand, pulled away from me, lies something that could leave time to freeze
長すぎた季節 眠りの海 深くて届かない
The season was too long; in the ocean of sleep, too deep to reach
いつも溺れていた 振り返れば
Where I used to drown, in retrospect
風が消えてく 街が消えてく 宛先のない手紙
The wind is fading as is the city; a letter addressed to nowhere
待っていたの 昼も 夜も
That’s what I’ve waited for day and night
And even the morning swaying in blue