Translation of the song La idiota en mí (Mayor) artist Christina Rosenvinge

French, Spanish

La idiota en mí (Mayor)

English translation

The Idiot In Me (Major)

El verano fue tan imparcial

The summer was so impartial

Que nos hizo polvo a los dos igual

It knackered us both equally

Todo se perdió en el vendaval

Everything was lost in the gale

Lo que era cimiento

That which was the foundation

Lo que era cristal

Which was crystal



La canción que me aprendí

The song that I learned

Para ti no era ésa

For you wasn't this one

La última vez que te vi

The last time I saw you

Pude recordar

I could remember

Descansa, ven y duérmete

Relax, come and fall asleep

¿Tanta furia para qué?

Why are you so angry?

La página está por escribir

The page is for writing

si tú te negaste, yo no me atreví

If you refused, I didn't dare

la idiota en mi te dijo adiós

The idiot in me told you goodbye

Aunque lloraba no se notó

Although I was crying it wasn't noticed



Canta, que yo tocaré

Sing, I will play you

Hasta que te haga volver

Until you return

De nous, de nous deux

Of us, of us two

il ne reste rien

There is nothing left

qu'un souvenir horrible

Than a horrible memory

se rincer de vin.

Rinsing our mouths out with wine

De nous, de nous voeux

Of us, of us wishing each other the best

qui ne servirent à rien,

But to no avail

je brûle le plus que

I burn more than

et garde les plus vains

Those that guard the most vain

La canción que me aprendí

The song that I learned

Para tí era ésta

For you was this one

la última vez que te vi

The last time I saw you

pude recordar

I could remember

empieza y acaba en mí

It starts and ends in me

y dice aquí en la letra

And it says here in the lyrics

que no podrás vivir sin mí

That you won't be able to live without me

¡qué fatalidad!

How tragic!

Descansa, ven y duérmete

Relax, come and fall asleep

Tanta furia para qué

Why are you so angry?

Canta, que yo tocaré

Sing, I will play you

Hasta que te haga volver

Until you return

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