Translation of the song 22 Indeni artist Rasmus Seebach
22 Indeni
22 On The Inside
Har taget turen tusind gange
I've taken this trip a thousand times
Og jeg ku' ta' titusind mer'
And I could take ten thousand more
De si'r, man vokser fra det
They say that you grow out of it
Gad vide, hvornår det mon sker
I wonder when that will happen
Jeg lever for natten og alt, hva' den har
I live for the night and everything it's got
Til mig og mine
For me and mine
For evigt forelsket i eventyret om drengen
For ever in love with the fairy tale about the boy
Der møder pigen
Who meets the girl
Når de første flasker popper
When the first couple of bottles pops
Når pigerne finder mit hold
When the girls find my gang
Be'r jeg til, det aldrig stopper
I pray it will never stop
Så lov mig, du ikk' vil gå kold
So promise me you won't go cold
Jeg ved godt, de si'r, at vi' langt ude
I know they say we're far out
Og det, det ender galt (Åh-oh)
And it, it's gonna end badly (oh-oh)
Men vi si'r, det' dem, der' hjemme
But we say that it's those at home
Der går glip af noget fænomenalt (Woah-åh-åh)
Who are missing out on something phenomenal (Woah-oh-oh)
Så glem de problemer, min ven
So forget those problems, my friend
La' os aftal', at det nok ska' gå
Let's agree, it's gonna work out fine
For natten er ung, åh baby, det samme er jeg
Cause the night is young, oh baby, so am I
Og månen er fuld, og jeg føler mig ogs' godt på vej
And the moon is full, I feel I'm on my way too
Og jeg ka' hør dem sig': Hey, hva' så, gamle dreng
And I can hear them say: ”Hey, what's up, old timer
Er din fest ikk' forbi?
Don't you think you're party is over?”
Men jeg si'r: Det' jo fordi
But I say: It's because
Jeg stadig kun er 22 indeni
I'm still only 22 on the inside”
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
Når beatet og bassen pumper
When the beat and the bass are pumping
Der, lige før det hel' stikker af
There, right before it all goes wild
Be'r jeg om at få dit nummer
I ask for your number
For måske jeg ringer en dag
Cause I might call you someday
Det' jagten, det' legen, det' aldrig at love
It's the hunt, it's the game. It's never to promise
Hinanden noget (Åh-oh)
Each other anything (Oh-oh)
Det' når at gå godt, gi' lidt love og slå op
There's time to do well, give a little love and break up
Før natten er gået (Woah-åh-åh)
Before the night is over (Woah-oh-oh)
Har spande med 'pagne og drinks
Have buckets full of champagne and drinks
Du ka' bare tag' (Bare tag', woah-åh-åh)
Go ahead and have some (Go ahead, woah-oh-oh)
Så glem de problemer, min skat
So forget those problems, sweetheart
La' os aftal' at det nok ska' gå
Let's agree that it's gonna work out fine
For natten er ung, åh baby, det samme er jeg
Cause the night is young, oh baby, so am I
Og månen er fuld, og jeg føler mig ogs' godt på vej
And the moon is full, I feel I'm on my way too
Og jeg ka' hør dem sig': Hey, hva' så, gamle dreng
And I can hear them say: ”Hey, what's up, old timer
Er din fest ikk' forbi?
Don't you think you're party is over?”
Men jeg si'r: Det' jo fordi
But I say: It's because
Jeg stadig kun er 22 indeni
I'm still only 22 on the inside”
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
22, 22 indeni
22, 22 on the inside
Har taget turen tusind gange
I've taken this trip a thousand times
Og jeg ku' ta' titusind mer'
And I could take ten thousand more
De si'r, man vokser fra det
They say that you grow out of it
Gad vide, hvornår det mon sker
I wonder when that will happen