Translation of the song Beautiful artist Rasmus Seebach
Du er så beautiful
You're so beautiful
Det kan enhver jo se
Anyone can tell
Og du ku' få li den du peger på
And you could have whomever you want
I 1000 år, vil du være, vil du være min
For a 1000 years, you will be, you will be
Min beautiful
My beautiful
Du vil hellere gå i sneakers end stilletter
You'd rather wear sneakers than stilettos
(Baby, det' din stil)
(Baby, that's you're style)
Du vil hellere gå på bar end at gå på klub
You'd rather be in a bar than on a club
(Så der mødtes vi, yeah)
(Starts with [?])
Og jeg gik hen og spurgte
And I went to ask you
Om jeg måtte sætte mig ved siden af dig
If I could sit down next yo you
Du sagde det' cool hvorfor ik'
You said ”Cool, why not
Vi kan godt bare snakke lidt, snak lidt
We might as well talk a bit, talk a bit”
Og du gik op i klima og i mennesker
And you were all about the climate and about people
(Timerne de fløj)
(Time flew by)
Du var både sjov og interessant
You were both funny and interesting
(Musikken var lidt høj, jaa)
(The music was a bit loud, yeah)
Du var 1000 ting mere
You were a 1000 things more
Da jeg lærte at kende dig rigtigt
When I really got to know you
Men den allerførste gang jeg så dig
But the very first time I saw you
Var det eneste jeg kunne fremstamme, fremstamme
All I could was stutter, stutter
Du er så beautiful
You're so beautiful
Det kan enhver jo se
Anyone can tell
Og du ku' få lige den du peger på
And you could have whomever you want
I 1000 år, vil du være, vil du være min
For a 1000 years, you will be, you will be
Min beautiful
My beautiful
Ja, jeg ved ikke helt hvordan jeg gjorde det
I'm not really sure how I did it
(Jeg tror det var trylleri)
(I think it was magic)
For pludselig syntes du jeg var klog og virkelig flot
Cause all of a sudden you thought I was smart and really good-looking
(Okay, du fik nok også lidt vin, yeah)
(Okay, I think you had a little wine, yeah
Så jeg tog mig endelig sammen
Then I finally got it together
Og spurgte om jeg måtte få dit nummer
To ask you for your number
Kunne ikke helt huske hvad du hed
Then I couldn't quite remember your name
Så jeg kaldte dig for Beautiful i min iphone
So I called you ”Beautiful” on my iphone
For du er så beautiful
Cause you're so beautiful
Det kan enhver jo se
Anyone can tell
Og du ku' få lige den du peger på
And you could have whomever you want
I 1000 år, vil du være, vil du være min
For a 1000 years, you will be, you will be
Min beautiful
My beautiful
Nat der blev til dag
Night turned into days
Der blev til uger blev til år
That turned into weeks turned into years
Et par ord der blev til løfter
A few words that turned into promises
Der bragte både glæde og sorg
That brought both happiness and sorrow
Engang var du en fremmed
Once you were a stranger
Men nu er du den der kender mig bedst
But now you're the one who knows me the best
Og som tiden går
And with time
Der bliver du stadigvæk mer' og mer' og mer'
You still get more and more
Det kan enhver jo se
Anyone can tell
Og du ku' få li den du peger på
And you could have whomever you want
I 1000 år, vil du være, vil du være min
For a 1000 years, you will be, you will be
Min beautiful
My beautiful
For du er så beautiful
Cause you're so beautiful
Det' næsten helt unfair
Anyone can tell
For du ku' få li den du peger på
And you could have whomever you want
I 1000 år, vil du være, vil du være min
For a 1000 years, you will be, you will be
Min beautiful
My beautiful
Min beautiful beautiful
My beautiful beautiful
Ja ja ja ja
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
vil du være, vil du være min
You will be, you will be my
Min beautiful
My beautiful