Spørg mig hvordan
Ask me how
Og jeg vil svare dig på det hele, hvis jeg kan
And I'll answer all of it if I can
Verden er skør - undrer du dig, lille mand
This world is crazy - if you're wondering, little guy
Ska' du vide jeg stadig har det lige sådan
Know that I still feel like that, too
Men hvis du falder, og du slår dig
But if you fall and get hurt
Får du bare et plaster på med Peter Plys
I'll just give you a band-aid with Winnie-the-Pooh on it
Og løber fantasien fra dig, når du sover
And if your imagination gets the better of you when you sleep
Vil jeg holde om dig lige til det bli'r lyst
I'll hold you tight until it's bright outside
For det bli'r forår efter vinter
'Cause it'll be Spring after Winter
Og det bli'r tørvejr efter regn
And it'll be dry after the rain
Man farer vild indtil man finder vej
You are lost until you find your way
Der' nok en mening med det meste
There's probably a meaning with most things
Men gå ud og find din egen
But go out and find your own
Og husk, du' fri
And remember that you're free
Så dans til livets melodi
So dance along to the melody of life
Til livets meoldi
Along to the melody of life
Hvad mon du bli'r
I wonder what you'll be
Er det bestemt på forhånd ligesom nogen siger?
Is it predetermined like some people say?
Formes vi kun af de chancer livet gi'r?
Are we only molded by the chances life gives?
Er der allerede en sjæl inde i små drenge og piger?
Is there already a soul in small boys and girls?
Hvis nogen løber med dit hjerte
If someone runs away with your heart
Så har jeg råd, for jeg har været det samme sted
I'll have advice, 'cause I have been there, too
Og hvis de drinks til festen, de bli'r lidt for stærke
And if the drinks at the party got a bit too strong
Så kører jeg ud, så må du hvil' dig lidt på bagsæddet
I'll drive out there and you can rest on the backseat
For det bli'r forår efter vinter
'Cause it'll be Spring after Winter
Og det bli'r tørvejr efter regn
And it'll be dry after the rain
Man farer vild indtil man finder vej
You are lost until you find your way
Der' nok en mening med det meste
There's probably a meaning with most things
Men gå ud og find din egen
But go out and find your own
Husk, du' fri
And remember that you're free
Så dans til livets melodi
So dance along to the melody of life
Livets meoldi
The melody of life
Livets melodi
The melody of life
Jeg ved det' fjollet, men hvis jeg ku'
I know it's silly, but if I could
Ville jeg fryse tiden lige nu
I would freeze time right now
Så vi ku' bli' her for evigt
So that we could stay here forever
Og ved din mor er enig
And I know your mother agrees
Men alle forældre ved verden den venter
But all parents know the world is waiting
En dag så ska' du klare dig selv
Some day, you'll have to get by on your own
Og du vil mødes af mange mennesker
And you will meet so many of people
Nogle der hader, nogle der elsker
Some who hate, some who love
Jeg vil være der, jeg vil støt' dig
I will be there, I'll support you
Hvis jeg bare altid ku' beskyt' dig
If I just could protect you forever
Men alle forældre ved verden den venter
But all parents know the world is waiting
Men jeg tror på du ka' klare dig selv
But I believe that you'll get by on your own
For det bli'r forår efter vinter
'Cause it'll be Spring after Winter
Og det bli'r tørvejr efter regn
And it'll be dry after the rain
Man farer vild indtil man finder vej
You are lost until you find your way
Der' nok en mening med det meste
There's probably a meaning with most things
Men gå ud og find din egen
But go out and find your own
Og husk, du' fri
And remember that you're free
Det' alt hva' jeg ka' gi'
That's all I can give
Husk på at du er fri
Remember that you're free
Du har den indeni
You've got it in you
Livets melodi
The melody of life
Det' alt hva' jeg ka' gi'
That's all I can give
Husk på at du er fri
Remember that you're free
Du har den indeni
You've got it in you
Så dans til livets melodi
So dance along to the melody of life
Til livets melodi
Along to the melody of life
Det' alt hva' jeg ka' gi'
That's all I can give
Husk på at du er fri
Remember that you're free
Du har den indeni
You've got it in you
Livets melodi
The melody of life