Tusind andre fester vi ku' være til
A thousand other parties we could attend
Svært at vælge, når man blot ka' få lige hva' man vil
Hard to choose when you can get whatever you want
Og det lokker og det blinker
And it's luring and it's blinking
Mens vi hælder drinks op til vi tror vi ikk' ka' leve uden
As we pour drinks up until we think we can't live without them
Ny bil, ny dame, ny fest, ny, ny
New car, new lady, new party, new, new
Og hvis det ikk' er blevet sent
And if it isn't too late
Ja, så' det nærmest aldrig sket
Well, then it basically didn't happen
La' os gå undercover
Let's go undercover
Kom, dans lidt for mig
Come, dance a bit for me
Et sted hvor ingen andre ser
A place where no one else is looking
Hva' nu hvis vi to, vi tog afsted?
What if the two of us, we left?
Hva' hvis det kun er dig, som jeg vil dele det med?
What if it were just you who I want to share it with?
Hvis vi lukkede ned
If we shut it down
Og lod det være en hemmelighed
And let it be a secret
Tusind andre drenge du ku' sidde her med
A thousand other boys you could be sitting with
Din inbox den er fuld, de lover guld i hver besked
Your inbox is full, they promise you gold in every message
Og det lokker og det blinker
And it's luring and it's blinking
Gad vide hva' du tænker, mon du tror du ikk' ka' leve uden
I wonder what you're thinking, do you think you can't live without them?
Nyt hus, ny mand, nyt liv, ny, ny
New car, new lady, new party, new, new
Og hvis det ikk' er blevet sent
And if it isn't too late
Ja, så' det nærmest aldrig sket
Well, then it basically didn't happen
La' os gå undercover
Let's go undercover
Kom, dans lidt for mig
Come, dance a bit for me
Et sted hvor ingen andre ser
A place where no one else is looking
Hva' nu hvis vi to, vi tog afsted?
What if the two of us, we left?
Hva' hvis det kun er dig, som jeg vil dele det med?
What if it were just you who I want to share it with?
Hvis vi lukkede ned
If we shut it down
Og lod det være en hemmelighed
And let it be a secret
Kom, kom, så stikker vi af
Come, come, we'll run away
Rammer bagtrappen uden at se os tilbage
We'll hit the backstairs without looking back
Og jeg ka' være din følger, hvis det' det du vil ha'
And I can be your follower if you want it
Dans for mig, mens nat bli'r dag
Dance for me as the night becomes day
Hele verden er paparazzi
The entire world is paparazzi
Hele verden vil til afterparty
The entire world wants to go to an after party
Men den her fest, den er kun for to
But this party is only for two
Vi siger ikk' noget til nogen
We won't tell anyone
Hva' nu hvis vi to, vi tog afsted?
What if the two of us, we left?
Hva' hvis det kun er dig, som jeg vil dele det med?
What if it were just you who I want to share it with?
Hvis vi lukkede ned
If we shut it down
Og lod det være en hemmelighed
And let it be a secret