Translation of the song Ça va artist Amay Laoni
Ça va
It's okay
Assied-toi, raconte-moi mon ami
Sit down, tell me my friend
Y’a longtemps qu’on n’s’est pas chanté nos vies
It's been a long time since we last sang each other our lives
Prends un verre, verse-toi quelque chose
Take a glass, pour yourself something
Et c’est là que tu me dis
And it's here that you tell me
J’ai tout lâché, ça sert à rien, c’est pas pour moi
I left everything, it's useless, it's not for me
C’est pas ma faute si tous les autres sont contre moi
It's not my fault if all the others are against me
Je vis l’enfer et y’a longtemps que j’me sens comme ça
I saw hell and I've felt like this for a long time
Mais, toi, dis-moi, comment ça va ?
But, you, tell me, how's it going?
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Comment te parler de ma vie, te dire que tout me réussit
How should I talk to you about my life, tell you that everything's working for me
Mais quand j’te vois, je t’en parle pas, je te dis ça va
But when I see you, I don't talk to you, I tell you it's okay
Il est cru, le bonheur, le succès
It's believed, happiness, success
Je te montrerais tout ce que j’ai, mais t’es pas prêt
I would show you everything I have, but you're not ready
Je vis l’amour et c’est encore presque parfait
I live love and it's still almost perfect
Avec toi, je change de sujet
With you, I change the subject
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Comment te parler de ma vie, te dire que tout me réussit
How should I talk to you about my life, tell you that everything's working for me
Mais quand j’te vois, je t’en parle pas, je te dis ça va
But when I see you, I don't talk to you, I tell you it's okay
Le bonheur des uns n’arrange pas le malheur des autres
The happiness of one doesn't fix others' troubles
Faudrait pas que ça retombe plus bas par ma faute
Can't be my fault that makes you fall lower
Et le malheur des uns ne fait le bonheur des autres
And the troubles of one doesn't make others' happiness
Et le malheur des uns ne fait le bonheur des autres
And the troubles of one doesn't make others' happiness
Faudrait vraiment pas que ça retombe plus bas
Really must not fall lower
Faudrait vraiment pas que ça retombe plus bas
Really must not fall lower
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Comment te parler de ma vie, te dire que tout me réussit
How should I talk to you about my life, tell you that everything's working for me
Mais quand j’te vois, je t’en parle pas, je te dis
But when I see you, I don't talk to you, I tell you it's okay
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Ça va, ça va, moi, ça va, ça va
It's okay, it's okay, with me, it's okay, it's okay
Comment te parler de ma vie, te dire que tout me réussit
How should I talk to you about my life, tell you that everything's working for me
Mais quand j’te vois, je t’en parle pas, je te dis ça va
But when I see you, I don't talk to you, I tell you it's okay