Translation of the song Marš na Drinu (Recital) artist Serbian Patriotic Songs
Marš na Drinu (Recital)
The March on Drina
Tiho, spuštala se letnja noć
Quietly, the summer night was coming down
Na Cer, na tu gordu planinu.
Onto Cer1, onto that proud mountain
Čak i divlja zver gubila je smer
Even wild beasts lost their direction
Zbog čudnog straha -
Due to a strange fear -
Da će smetat' četama što kreću se bez daha.
That they would get in the way of troops, moving without a breath
Drini, Savi, svuda gde je plač,
By Drina, by Sava2, wherever there's crying
Tamo hita britak, srpski mač,
Is where strikes the sharp Serbian sword
Samo laki bat
Just a light club
Niko nikog zvat' te noći neće
Tonight no one will call anybody
Dok se vojska proplancima i brdima kreće.
As long as the army's moving through the glades and hills
Sred tog mraka
In the middle of that darkness
Preko obronaka
Over the hillsides
Svakog srce mori
Every heart kills
Svakom vatra u grudima gori
Fire burns in everyone's chests
Da se odmah bori.
To immediately fight
U toj zemlji gunja, opanka
On this earth there's quince, a sandal
Gde su zore večno crvene
Where the dawns are red forever
Nikad boj ne spi
The battle never sleeps
A kad žito zri
But when the grain ripens
Tad bez prestanka
Then without stopping
Svuda se čuje pesma tanka, pesma od uranka.
You can hear a subtle song everywhere, a song since breakfast
Jedan rat tek što je prošao
Just as one war has passed
Drugi je sa letom došao
Another came with summer
Tuđin je za tren
For a moment, foreigners
Kao neka sen iz mrklog mraka
Like some dream from gloomy darkness
Prekinuo letinu i pesmu devojaka.
Interrupted the harvest and the girls' songs
Nije teško
It isn't hard
Za seljaka, đaka
For a villager, a student
Za pravog junaka
For a true hero
Iz veselja, kola devojaka
Out of joy, the girls' wheels
Latit' se pušaka.
To take up rifles
Borac svaki nema pušku, ne
Not every fighter has a rifle, no
Ali nosi srce planine.
But he carries the heart of the mountain
Borče, drži steg
Fighter, hold the banner
Tuđin će u beg se brzo dati
The foreigners will quickly start running
Ponovo će sunce Šumadiju obasjati.
The sun will shine on Šumadija3 again
Zov junaka s bojne Drine te
The call of heroes from the Drina battlefield
Sve se ori, sve do daljine.
Everything is being plowed, all into the distance
Svuda, svaki puk
Everywhere, every regiment
Puške, trube zvuk i juriš pravi
Rifles, the sound of trumpets and a real charge
Pevala se pesma rata, slobodi i slavi.
A war song was sung, for freedom and glory
Pucaj, momče
Shoot, boy
Majka ti ne plaka
Your mother isn't crying
Jer je kuća svaka
Because every house
Dala Ceru po jednog junaka
Gave a hero to Cer
Oca, sina, brata.
A father, a son, a brother
Na Cer, pođite sa snagom svom
Go to Cer with all your strength
Znajte, vi branite rod i dom
Know that you're defending your family and home
Svud' je poklič, zov
Everywhere there's a cry, a call
Taj viteški kov starca, momaka
That knightly mettle of an old man, a boy
To je oganj što ga nose od svojih predaka
That's the fire that they carry from their ancestors
U boj, krenite junaci svi
Go to battle, all you heroes
Kren'te i ne žal'te život svoj
Go and don't feel sorry for your lives
Cer da čuje tvoj, Cer nek vidi boj
Let your Cer hear, let Cer see the fight
A reka Drina - slavu, hrabrost
But the Drina river - glory, courage
I junačku ruku oca, sina.
And a hero's hand of a father, a son
Napred borče
Go on, fighter
Brani svoju zemlju
Defend your land
Ne daj, nikad ne daj
Don't give, never give
Za nju život uvek rado predaj
Always gladly give your life for it
Ali je nikom ne daj!
But don't give it to anyone!
Poj, poj, Drino, vodo hladna ti
Sing, sing, Drina, your water's cold
Pamti pričaj kad su padali
Remember the story when they fell
Pamti hrabri stroj
Remember the brave machine
Koji je pun ognja, silne snage
That's full of fire, mighty strength
Proterao tuđina sa reke naše drage.
It chased the foreigners away from our dear river
Poj, poj Drino, pričaj rodu mi
Sing, sing, Drina, tell my family
Kako smo se hrabro borili
How bravely we fought
Pevao je stroj, vojevo se boj kraj hladne vode
The machine sang, the battle waged on by the cold water
Krv je tekla
The blood was flowing
Krv se lila Drinom zbog slobode.
Blood flowed down the Drina for freedom