Translation of the song We Serbs are supermen (Mi smo Srbi supermeni) artist Serbian Patriotic Songs
We Serbs are supermen (Mi smo Srbi supermeni)
We Serbs are Supermen
Istina je spora, ali ipak stiže
The truth is slow, but it is coming
Protiv mraka teško se vidi
Agains darkness, it’s hard to see
Sloboda je naša, sve bliže i bliže
Freedom is ours, closer and closer
To se više ne može ni skrit
It can’t be hidden anymore
Mi smo Srbi supermeni, ratujemo protiv sveta
We are Serb supermen, we wage war agains the world
Za rat sveti mi smo spremni, makar traj'o i sto leta
For a holy war we are ready, even if it lasts a hundred years
Mi smo Srbi supermeni, ratujemo protiv sveta
We are Serb supermen, we wage war agains the world
Za rat sveti mi smo spremni, makar traj'o i sto leta
For a holy war we are ready, even if it lasts a hundred years
Neću plakat, neću suze lit
I will not cry, I will not shed tears
Pišem pismo pravoslavnom bratu
I write a letter to my orthodox brothers
Pobjeda će ipak naša bit jer Bog čuva Srbina u ratu
Victory will be ours, because God protects Serbs in war
Mi smo Srbi supermeni, ratujemo protiv sveta
We are Serb supermen, we wage war agains the world
Za rat sveti mi smo spremni, makar traj'o i sto leta
For a holy war we are ready, even if it lasts a hundred years
Mi smo Srbi supermeni, ratujemo protiv sveta
We are Serb supermen, we wage war agains the world
Za rat sveti mi smo spremni, makar traj'o i sto leta
For a holy war we are ready, even if it lasts a hundred years
Protiv mraka, na putu do sreće
Against darkness, on the road to happiness
Protiv sviju, ali sa dragim Bogom
Against all, but with dead God
Srbin nikad, nikad živet neće, nikad neće pod tuđinskom nogom
Serbs will never live under occupation
Mi smo Srbi supermeni, ratujemo protiv sveta
We are Serb supermen, we wage war agains the world
Za rat sveti mi smo spremni, makar traj'o i sto leta
For a holy war we are ready, even if it lasts a hundred years
Mi smo Srbi supermeni, ratujemo protiv sveta
We are Serb supermen, we wage war agains the world
Za rat sveti mi smo spremni, makar traj'o i sto leta
For a holy war we are ready, even if it lasts a hundred years