Translation of the song Cocaine Baby artist Atomsko sklonište
Cocaine Baby
Cocaine Baby
Vjetar udara u obalu
Wind hits the shore
I ruši borove djetinjstva.
And crashes down the childhood pines.
Morske ptice su pobjegle,
Sea birds have ran away,
A ti se skrivaš ispod valova.
And you hide beneath the waves.
Ti ploviš kroz maglu ove jeseni,
You sail through the mist of this fall,
Tražiš obalu od zlata i sedefa.
Looking for the gold and nacre.
Ljeto odlazi vatrenim kolima,
Summer leaves in a burning wagon,
Sa konjima smrti i grivama od straha.
With death horses and their manes of fear.
Cocaine baby, gdje si sad?
Cocaine baby, where are you now?
Tvoja su mora bez obala. ....
Your seas have no coasts...