Translation of the song Johnny artist Atomsko sklonište



English translation


Kad je Johnny otišo od kuće,

When Johnny left home,

Godina je imao devet.

He was nine years old.

Prvu Drinu je popušio sa šest

He smoked his first cigarette when six,

A odletio sa - vrag bi ga znao,

And flew away when - God only knows,

O da, bio je Majčin dan.

Oh yes, it was Mother's Day.

I tad je uzeo gitaru

And then he took the guitar

Svi su osjetili magičnu moć,

Everyone felt the magical power,

Podigli sretne ruke ka nebu

They rose their happy arms to heaven

I pjevali sa njim dan i noć.

And sang with him day and night.



Živjela trava! Živjela trava! x3

Long live the grass! Long live the grass! x3

Živjela zelena trava

Long live the green grass

Jer u njoj se dobro spava.

Because you can sleep nicely in it.

Život smo provodili u travi,

We spent our lives in grass,

Poljsko cvijeće stavljali u kosu.

We'd put field flowers into our hair.

Bila je šezdeset osma,

It was sixty eight,

Prekrasan Majčin dan.

A beautiful Mother's Day.

Prekrasan Majčin dan! x4

A beatiful Mother's Day! x4

Kad je Johnny uzeo gitaru,

When Johnny took the guitar,

Svi su osjetili magičnu moć,

Everyone felt the magical power,

Podigli sretne ruke ka nebu

They rose their happy arms to heaven

I pjevali sa njim dan i noć.

And sang with him day and night.



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