Translation of the song Oni što dolaze za nama artist Atomsko sklonište


Oni što dolaze za nama

English translation

Those who come after us

Oni što dolaze za nama,

Those who come after us

Imat će samo betonirane pejzaže.

will only have concrete landscapes

Nosit će na glavi zelene kape i šešire,

they will wear on their heads green hats and caps

A iz očiju cvjetovi će da im vire.

and out of their eyes flowers will protrude

Oni što dolaze za nama,

Those who come after us

Slušat će samo

will listen only to

Cvrkut plastičnih ptica.

the chirping of plastic birds

Imat će u osmijeh,

they will have in a smile

U osmijeh, namještena lica.

in a smile, set faces

Oni što dolaze za nama,

those who come after us

Imat će sterilizirane osjećaje

will have sterilized feelings

Bez klica.

without germs

Oni što dolaze za nama,

Those who come after us

Imat će i u WC-u,

will have it in the toilet as well

I u WC-u, televiziju.

in the toilet as well, television

Sklapat će prijateljstva

they will make friends

Putem kućnog kompjutera.

via a home computer (PC)

Oni što dolaze za nama,

those who come after us

Umjesto šljivovice

instead of plum brandy

Ispijat će čaše etera.

they will drink glasses of ether

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