Translation of the song Soneto XLVI artist Pablo Neruda
Soneto XLVI
Sonnet XLVI
De las estrellas que admiré, mojadas
From the stars that I admired, soaked
por ríos y rocíos diferentes,
by the different rivers and mists,
yo no escogí sino la que yo amaba
I did not choose but the one that I loved
y desde entonces duermo con la noche.
and ever since then I sleep with the night.
De la ola, una ola y otra ola,
From the wave, one wave and another wave,
verde mar, verde frío, rama verde,
green sea, green cold, green branch,
yo no escogí sino una sola ola:
I did not choose but one single wave:
la ola indivisible de tu cuerpo.
the wave that is indivisible in your body.
Todas las gotas, todas las raíces,
All of the drops, all of the roots,
todos los hilos de la luz vinieron,
all of the threads of light came,
me vinieron a ver tarde o temprano.
they came to see me sooner or later.
Yo quise para mí tu cabellera.
I wanted your hair for me.
Y de todos los dones de mi patria
And of all the gifts from my homeland
sólo escogí tu corazón salvaje.
I merely chose your wild heart.