Translation of the song 絲 artist ELFENSJóN
横顔 凛と眼差しに光が灯る
Looking at you from the side, I see a light being lit over your frigid gaze
扉の先 君が求めた『終焉』は叶った?
Through the door ahead, did the demise that you wish for come true?
背を向けて 踏み出す二人想いが邪魔する
Turning our backs on the past, the two of us step forward; our emotions get in the way
離れるたび 胸が疼いた
In the journey that separated us, our hearts throbbed
風を待ち 翼を広げた
Waiting for the wind, we spread out our wings
どこまでも 遠くへと
Until the bitter end, towards a faraway place
If it was with you, I believed I could go anywhere
We'll be able to meet again
広がる空 香る花 君が過ぎる
You flash across the stretching sky and across fragrant flowers
羽ばたいて 見下ろした
We spread out our wings and looked down upon
The footprints of that day
That, very abruptly coming together with my heart
胸に入り込み 満たした 迷い路
Managed to fulfill me; it's a journey of indecision
深い森で 恋に落ちたのは僕の方
In the dense forest, the one that fell in love was me
I can't say it
一度だけ 僕は振り向く
Only once, I'll turn around
視線がぶつかる 高く澄んだ空が続いて
Our eyes will meet; the serene sky high above will remain
哀しげな物語の先 語られぬ結末
The seemingly sad story ahead has an unspoken conclusion
ほら 全てが色づき 夜にお別れを
Look! Everything grows ripe as we bid farewell to the night
零れた星 果てしなく 敷き詰めて
The stars that became visible spread out eternally
君にあげる 美しい物だけを瞳に映して
I'll show them to you; your eyes will only reflect beautiful things
Sorrowful dreams are signs that the end has come
ここから 現実は始まる
From here on out, reality begins
胸の奥 揺り起こし
The recesses of my heart shake awake
Just about everything to their own content
I'm always beside you
If you get tired of flying, you should call out to me
また 綺麗に笑えるように
So that I'll be able to smile completely once more
風に乗り 翼を広げた どこまでも遠くへと
Riding the wind, we spread out our wings until the bitter end, towards a faraway place
君とだから行ける 地平の彼方を
I'm with you, so that's why I can go to the horizon in the distance
I want to show them to you
繋がる空 香る花 君の隣
The sky where we're connected and the fragrant flowers next to you
羽ばたいて 見下ろした 二人の足跡
We spread out our wings and looked down upon our own footprints
高く空を往く 遠ざかる罪と
We'll go high into the sky with our fading sins
傷は癒えやがて 痕も忘れてく
Our wounds will have the nerve to heal, and even our scars will end up forgotten