Rossinyol que vas a França,
Oh nightingale, you who go to France,
Encomana'm a la mare,
Talk to my mother about me,
d'un bell boscatge...
From the beautiful grove...
Rossinyol, d'un vol!
Nightingale, with a single flight!
Encomana'm a la mare,
Talk to my mother about me,
i a mon pare no pas gaire,
But do not tell my father too much,
d'un bell boscatge...
From the beautiful grove...
Rossinyol, d'un vol!
Nightingale, with a single flight!
Perquè m'ha mal maridada,
For he has married me so unsuitably,
a un pastor me n'ha donada,
He has given me to a shepherd,
d'un bell boscatge...
From the beautiful grove...
Rossinyol, d'un vol!
Nightingale, with a single flight!
Que em fa guardar la ramada,
He makes me care for the herds of cattle,
he perduda l'esquellada,
I have already lost my bloom, *
d'un bell boscatge...
From the beautiful grove...
Rossinyol, d'un vol!
Nightingale, with a single flight!
Jo t'he de donar per paga,
I shall pay you for this favour,
un petò i una abraçada,
With a kiss and an embrace,
d'un bell boscatge...
From the beautiful grove...
Rossinyol, d'un vol!
Nightingale, with a single flight!
Rossinyol que vas a França,
Oh nightingale, you who go to France,
Encomana'm a la mare,
Talk to my mother about me,
d'un bell boscatge...
From the beautiful grove...
Rossinyol, d'un vol!
Nightingale, with a single flight!