Translation of the song Atómový kryt artist Horkyze Slize


Atómový kryt

English translation

Nuclear Shelter

Objavili tajné dvere za

They found a secret door

verejným hajzlom,

behind a public toilet,

boli staré,hrdzavé a šli

it was old and rusty,

otvoriť pajcrom.

and could be opened with a crowbar.

Štyroch grázlov

A band of four hooligans,

partia,nevediac o čo ide,

without knowing what is it about

ocitli sa nečakane v

suddenly found themselves

atómovom kryte.

in a nuclear shelter. [1]

Zostane to medzi nami,

Let's keep this secret just among us,

prisahajte všetci,

everybody swear!

fešák ide zohnať baby a ja

The pretty one will get some chicks,

tie ďaľšie veci.

and I will get the other stuff.

Je tu síce špina,bordel

Eventhough it is dirty here,

menší ako vonku,

there is less mess here than outside,

spievajúci doktor vám

just in case, the singing Doctor, [2]

všetkým pichne tetanovku.

will give you a tetanus shot.

Nezvykli si prasce v žite


na spoločný podnájom.

They did not get used to the shared rent,

Prišla vojna a my v kryte

these pigs in the hay.

ľúbime sa navzájom.

And now the war has come,

Párty zrazu vyhasína,žeby

The party is suddenly slowing down,

nuda? Ale čo by!

maybe boredom? But, no!

To sa iba dohadujú,ktorý

They are just arguing who should run

behne pre zásoby.

for some new supplies.

Najmladšiemu povedali:

They said to the youngest one:

Tu máš 500 korún.

Here is 500 Crowns [3],

Počúvaj zajac,ty si najmladší, zbehni nám po

listen, boyo, you are the youngest one,

žranicu,po cigy a po rum.

go get some food, cigarettes, and rum

O chvíľu bol naspäť,ale

He came back very fast,

bez chlastu a žranice.

but without booze and food.

V ruke držal iba malý kus

He just held in his hand

jadrovej hlavice.

a little piece of nuclear warhead.

Hore ani nemusíte,svet

There is no point of going up anymore,

je horeznačky

whole world was turned apart,

a ubalil si cigaretu

and he rolled himself a cigarette

z 500-korunáčky.

from the 500 Crown note

Nezvykli si prasce v žite


na spoločný podnájom.

They did not get used to the shared rent,

Prišla vojna a my v kryte

these pigs in the hay.

ľúbime sa navzájom.

And now the war has come,

Prilieta sem sem,

Surface-to-surface rocket

raketa Zem-Zem.

is coming down on us...

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