Translation of the song Banda Tupých Hláv artist Horkyze Slize


Banda Tupých Hláv

English translation

Group of Dumbasses

Keby som Samuel,píšem sa s dvoma L

If I were a Samuel, I'd write it with two 'L's

a nebolo by to na jedno kopyto.

so it wouldn't be all the same.

Aj ked sa origoš mení na plný kôš.

Even when an original turn into a load of trash,

Z Volgy do Espasa, čo je to do frasa?!

from Volga to an Espace, what the heck is this?!

Boli sme nechcení, nemali sme ceny

We were unwanted, we had no value

a veľkú kapelu poslali do kelu.

and the great band was sent straight to hell.

Liezla nám na nervy a z každej konzervy.

It pissed us of and from each can,

Smotanu zlízali a všetci zízali.

we licked off all the cream and everyone stared.

Po čase sa náhle zistí, že do šľaka sme takí istí.

In time, someone will figure out that we're just the same, dammit.

Zlietli sa sponzori jak hladní kondori

Sponsors flew in like hungry condors,

Kapela v pohode dá zbohom robote.

the band is just fine, saying goodbye to work,

Podpisy na telo, na brucho,na čelo.

signatures on body, on belly, on forehead,

Luxusné hotely, raňajky v posteli.

luxurious hotels, breakfast in bed.

Kompliment od ľudí dobre ťa nabudí

A compliment from people will get you going,

Kontakty na hercov a slávnych umelcov.

contacts to actors and famous artists.

Stúpame na cene, naspäť už nechceme.

Our value is rising, we don't want to go back,

Pokiaľ nám nezvoní, ešte sme na koni.

until the bell tolls for us, we're still on a high horse.

Po čase sa náhle zistí, že do šlaka sme takí istí.

In time, someone will figure out that we're just the same, dammit.

Po čase sa náhle zistí, že do šlaka sme takí istí.

In time, someone will figure out that we're just the same, dammit.

Jáj, banda tupých hláv, poviem bez obáv,

Oooh, a group of dumbasses, I'll say with no worries,

nasadili nás známe rádiá

well known radio stations put us on air,

a speaker Adrián už nad tým dumá

and the speaker Adrian, is already pondering it,

a myslí si o nás a iste pravdu má.

and he's thinking stuff about us... and I'm sure he's right.

Odišli sponzori, nastali rozpory

The sponsors left, conflicts came,

V kariére defekty, solové projekty.

defects in the career, solo projects.

Kapela dožíva, dopingy požíva

The band is on its last legs, enjoying doping,

Aké to asi je, šlahnúť si z pasie?

what could it be like, to take a swig of passion?

Prachy ich zmenili, mediá velili

Cash changed them, media took the lead,

Vybehnúť zo štýlu, nútia ťa na silu

they force you to change your style.

Veď aj nás rádiá vytlačia z pódia

The radios will push us off the stage too,

Hráme jak tatari, takéto odvary.

we're playing this weak shit like idiots.

Po čase sa náhle zistí, že kolobeh je taký istý

In time, someone will figure out that the cycle's just the same.

Jáj, banda tupých hláv, poviem bez obáv,

Oooh, a group of dumbasses, I'll say with no worries,

nasadili nás známe rádiá

well known radio stations put us on air,

a speaker Adrián už nad tým dumá

and the speaker Adrian, is already pondering it,

a myslí si o nás a iste pravdu má.

and he's thinking stuff about us... and I'm sure he's right.

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