Translation of the song Brďokoky artist Horkyze Slize
Omg, really?
Zastavil ma policajt, hneď
I got stopped by the police
pokuta tri stovky.
And I had to pay 300 bucks
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Odbočil som od témy, ja somár
I changed the direction,
bez smerovky.
But stupid me, without the blinker.
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Teraz točím reklamu
Now I´m acting in an ad
na súťaž o Ford Sierra.
for winning the Ford Sierra.
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Pošli 20 trubiek od
Send me 20 rolls
hajzlového papiera.
Of toilet paper
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Jaj sedlák, sedlák nasadil stromy,
Oh farmer, farmer planted trees,
kvety a ktomu iné veci
Flowers and many more
Stupid things
a preto, preto my chlapci z
And because of that, we - the boys from
starý môj nemáme kam
Can´t even walk properly
stúpiť, ne?
You codger, can you see that?
Sedlák, sedlák nasadil stromy,
Farmer, farmer planted trees,
kvety a ktomu iné veci
Flowers and many more
Stupid things
a preto, preto my chlapci z
And because of that, we - the boys from
starý môj nemáme kam
Can´t even walk properly
stúpiť, ne?
You codger, can you see that?
V Poluse si kúpim veci,
In Polus I´ll buy things
ktoré sa mi zídu.
That I think I need
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Na didžinu do Boccacia
Then to the party at Boccacio´s
babenky tam prídu.
Coz the girls will come
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Sústavne ma obletujú,
They´re always flirting with me
neviem čo mám robiť.
Dunno what to do with ´em
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Starý môj, asi tam nadobro
Buddy I think I won´t
prestanem chodiť.
Go there anymore
Ty brďo, fakt? Ti vravím...
Omg, really? I´m telling...
No, ty koky!
Jaj sedlák, sedlák nasadil stromy,
Oh farmer, farmer planted trees,
kvety a ktomu iné veci
Flowers and many more
Stupid things
a preto, preto my chlapci z
And because of that, we - the boys from
starý môj nemáme kam
Can´t even walk properly
stúpiť, ne?
You codger, can you see that?
Sedlák, sedlák nasadil stromy,
Farmer, farmer planted trees,
kvety a ktomu iné veci
Flowers and many more
Stupid things
a preto, preto my chlapci z
And because of that, we - the boys from
starý môj nemáme kam
Can´t even walk properly
stúpiť, ne?
You codger, can you see that?
Točí ma telka.....! Točí ma telka.....!
I´m in the TV....! I´m in the TV....!