Translation of the song Emanuel Bacigala artist Horkyze Slize


Emanuel Bacigala

English translation

Emanuel Bacigala

Emanuel Bacigala z Popradu

Emanuel Bacigala from Poprad

vyfasoval karbobrúsku zo skladu.

Picked up an angle grinder from the warehouse.

Tú starú Boshku karbošku poškodenú trošku,

That old Bosch angle grinder, already a bit damaged,

A poďho rezať zo železa ohradu.

And headed to cut the iron fence.

Už si dneska minul štyri kotúče,

You've already wasted four (grinder) discs today,

čo s tým robíš Bacigala do púče?!

what the fuck are you doing with it, Bacigal ?!

a včera flexku Narexku, ná kdes to videl v Tescu?

and yesterday it was the Narex flex cutter, did you see them in Tesco?

Však vedúci ťa s vodováhou utlče!

The foreman will beat you dead with a level!



Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Vysvetľujte zdrogovanej mládeži,

Explain to the youth that is high on drugs,

že sa im nenačíta brúsny kotúč na veži.

that their stereo system won't load a grinder disc

Sa tu s tým prdkáš a trtkáš, furt sa tu s tým šmrdkáš,

You're farting around and fucking with it, constantly fuddling,

tri dni sa tu jebeme a čas beží!

we've been here for 3 days fucking with it and time is flying by!

A nedrž mi tú karbobrúsku pri uchu,

And don't hold that grinder near my ear,

celý život ťa mám vodiť za ruku?!

Do I have to lead you all your life by the hand?!

Zatlačil jak Rambo, kotúč letí stavbou

He leaned into it like Rambo, the (grinder) disc flew across the building

a vedúceho trafil rovno do krku.

and hit the foreman right into his neck.

[2x Ref:]

[2x Ref:]

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

Ja toho Bacigalu zabijem!!!

I'm going to kill that Bacigala!!!

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