Translation of the song Obesil sa mu brat artist Horkyze Slize


Obesil sa mu brat

English translation

His brother hung himself

Dozvedel sa to

He had learned that

že sa mu brat vešal u lesa

his brother has been hanging in the woods

zožral dáku otravu

ate some poisoning

hodil slučku cez hlavu

threw a loop over his head

Zbehli sa tam doktori

Doctors had gathered there

jeden na to hovorí

one of them proclaims

Tomu už nič nepomôže

Nothing's gonna help this one

ten chlapík je hotový!

the guy is done for!

Na tomto svete raz a navždy

In this world once and for all,

sa budú páchať samovraždy.

suicides will be commited.

Policajt za hodinu

A cop in an hour

oboznámil rodinu.

has informed the family.

Mama naňho spustila

Mom had started going at it

Však ja som to tušila!

Oh i knew something was wrong!

O tri dni na pohrebe

Three days later on the funeral

čierne šaty na sebe

black dress on them

Iba jeho sestra - panker

Only his sister - punker

obliekla si zopár starých handier

dressed up in some old rags

O pár týždňov zakrátko

Shortly in a few weeks

brat zabudol na všetko

the brother had forgotten all

smútok ho už neťaží

grief no longer burdens him

zas nasáva v garáži!

drinking in the garage again!

Tak, dosť bolo náreku

Well, enough of mourning

daj si pivo, pálenku

have some beer, spirits

a kľudne odkáž všetkým ľuďom

and go ahead and tell all people

Darmo plakať nad rozliatym rumom.

No point in crying over spilled rum.

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