Translation of the song R n´B soul artist Horkyze Slize
R n´B soul
R n´B soul
Matka aj s dcérkou stoja pred pizzérkou
The mother and daughter are standing in front of the pizzeria
Tralalalala si krútia s kabelkou.
Tralalalala they spin with the purse.
Dcéra má dvadsať a mama raz toľko,
Daughter is twenty and mom twice as much,
Vyber si Karolko, ktorú a za koľko.
Karol choose which one and for how much.
Poradím, rozmeň mamu na dve dvacky,
I'll advise, split mom to two twenties,
Potom sa môžeme podeliť braťsky.
Then we can share brotherly.
Isto sa pýtate, čo to mám s hlasom,
Surely you ask what's wrong with my voice,
Dávno som nebol happy, ale už zasa som.
I wasn't happy for a long time, but I am again.
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Matka aj s dcérkou, to získať ma láka,
Both mother and daughter, that is what attracts me,
Jak medaila v stavaní snehuláka,
Like a medal in building a snowman,
Lenže my máme len jednu ochranu,
But we have only one protection,
Karolko navrhol losovať o mamu.
Karol suggested drawing lots for the mother.
Tipol som orla a zase je hlava,
I bet the tail and it's the head again,
Takže mi zase len mladá ostáva.
So I'm just left with the young one again.
Mamulka, prosím vás, povedzte dcére,
Mommy, please tell your daughter
Že nemám gumu a že nech sa nesere.
That I don't have a rubber and to not be angry.
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Komu vyprávaš cigán šave… počkaj, ešte nie…
What are you saying gypsy shauve ... wait, not right now ...
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Komu vyprávaš cigán šave mičigéns
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Ja bol som ešte malý chalan, šlo to samo sebou
I was still a little boy, it worked by itself
A vtedy do mňa zapičoval chalan od susedov.
And then a guy from the neighbors sweared at me.
Tu vymardo kar dilino, dole si ma zedou!
You fucking idiot, you ate me down there!
Takto do mňa zapičoval chalan od susedov.
That's how a guy from the neighbors sweared at me.
Potom sme sa ešte stretli po neďelnej omši,
Then we met again after the Sunday's Mass,
Keby sme sa nepobili nedostal by som vši.
If we didn't get into fight, I wouldn't get lice.
Nazdravie! Dík, je to pravda, niečo na mňa leze,
Cheers! Thanks, it's true, i feel sick,
To mi chalan od susedov podaroval present.
The guy from the neighbors gave me a present.
Na škole som mal kapelu a to sme boli sopláci,
I had a band at school and we were just snots.
Kazetu mi zobral triedny a poslal ma Česť práci.
The class teacher took tape from me and sent me to Honor of Work.
Vraveli mi ty si kokot, bude prúser na betón.
They told me you are a dick, there will be a mess for sure.
Našťastie tá jeho Tesla žula pásky Emgetón.
Fortunately, his Tesla chewed Emgeton tapes.
My zostarli sme ako maľby svetoznámych umelcov,
We got old as paintings by world-famous artists,
Ako obraz Baču Ondra stojaceho za ovcou.
Like a picture of Bača Ondra standing behind a sheep.
Realizmus, perokresba, Bača ovcu kúruje.
Realism, line drawing, Bača is curing a sheep.
Sereme sa do umenia, nik nám nekonkúruje.
We fuck into art, nobody can compete with us.
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Komu vyprávaš cigán šauve mičigéns
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Komu vyprávaš cigán šauve mičigéns
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh
A ty drž piču.
And you, shut your trap.
Čo? Ja?
What? Me?
Sorry, ja tu len hostujem, môžeš
Sorry, I'm just a host, can you...
…R n'B Soul
... R n'B Soul
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Komu vyprávaš cigán šauve mičigéns
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Óuóuou R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul