Translation of the song Odgovor artist Popov
The answer
Je l' ovo Popov?
Is this Popov?
A ti još tražis odgovor
And you're still looking for an answer
Da l’ sam bio tvoj?
Was I yours?
Odgovor još krije se
The answer still lies
Tu gde stalo je, tu 'de drama je
Where it matters, that's where the drama is
Opet hladim te kao ledom piće
I'm cooling you like an ice drink again
Dok ti topiš se, svaku noć po dve
While you're melting, two every night
Sada zovu, zovu me
Now they're calling, they're calling me
To te noćas ubilo što se nije desilo
That killed you last night because it didn't happen
S drugima se budio, tuđe usne ljubio
He woke up with others, kissing other people's lips
Nikad ne bi' bio tvoj da se nije popilo
It would never have been yours if it hadn't been drunk
Na jednu noć s tobom led otopio
For one night with you the ice melted
Tu gde stalo je, tu ’de drama je
Where it matters, that's where the drama is
Opet hladim te kao ledom piće
I'm cooling you like an ice drink again
Dok ti topiš se, svaku noć po dve
While you're melting, two every night
Sada zovu, zovu me
Now they're calling, they're calling me
Tu gde stalo je, tu 'de drama je
Where it matters, that's where the drama is
Opet hladim te kao ledom piće
I'm cooling you like an ice drink again
Dok ti topiš se, svaku noć po dve
While you're melting, two every night
Sada zovu, zovu me
Now they're calling, they're calling me
Nema me, ti sama, bela noć
I'm gone, you alone, white night
A znam da je slama to što nisam pored nje
And I know the straw is that I’m not next to her
Al' nisu potrebne te oči pospane
But those sleepy eyes are not needed
Da mi hod predosete
To foretell my gait
Tražiš, tražiš, tražiš još
You ask, you ask, you ask for more
Dobro znaš - po tebe loš
You know very well - bad for you
Želiš, želiš, želiš to, veruješ mi naivno
You want, you want, you want it, you believe me naively
Misliš sve je trajno
You think everything is permanent
Odgovor odavno tamo krije se
The answer has been hidden there for a long time
Tu gde stalo je, tu 'de drama je
Where it matters, that's where the drama is
Opet hladim te kao ledom piće
I'm cooling you like an ice drink again
Dok ti topiš se, svaku noć po dve
While you're melting, two every night
Sada zovu, zovu me
Now they're calling, they're calling me
Nisam s njom, nisam s njom, nisam s njom, ne
I'm not with her, I'm not with her, I'm not with her, no
Nisam s njom, nisam s njom, ne bi' s njom, ne
I'm not with her, I'm not with her, I wouldn't be with her, no
Nisam s njom, nisam s njom, nisam s njom, ne
I'm not with her, I'm not with her, I'm not with her, no
A ne bi' bio s njom čak ni da—
And he wouldn't even be with her if—