Translation of the song paranoia artist Hatsune Miku
世界の隅っこで ちぎれた心と声
In a corner of the world, a voice and a shredded heart
どうして こんなに 空っぽな言葉の雨
Why do the words raining down feel so hollow?
嘘つきな 君に出会って恋をした
I met you and fell in love, but you were a liar
嫌い 嫌い 嫌い 嫌い 嫌いに成れないな
Hate, hate, hate, hate, I can’t bring myself to hate you
さよなら 会いたいと願えば 全てが壊れてしまうから
Farewell, if I wished to see you again, everything would fall apart
笑ってよ 背を向けたら
So smile, and turn your back on me
独りが持ち合わせる感情(いたみ) 夜空に冷たくなる光
With loneliness always comes pain, a light is growing colder in the night sky
あなたが くれた光
The light that you gave me
さよなら おやすみ 心が溺れていく
Farewell, good night, my heart is sinking
静かな海へと 二人が溶けたのなら
If only you would melt with me into the silent sea
抱きしめて 覚めぬ夢が温もりが
Hold me, this dream that I can’t wake from, and the warmth
痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛いに慣れないな
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, I can’t get used to the pain
汚れた哀艶(あいえん)の欠片が キラキラ輝く星になる
The dirtied fragments of my sorrow become a sparkling, shining star
Shall I go meet you in the sky?
独りが持ち合わせた感情(いたみ) あなたに出会った日の私が
With loneliness always comes pain, I’ve been waving my hand
Ever since the day I met you
淡い夢に踊る声 今もまだ私はここだよ
Fleeting dreams, dancing voices, I’ve been here up until now
君の言葉も 君の名前も 触れたら滲んだ
Your words, and even your name, dissolved when I tried to touch them
最後の涙と引き換えに あなたに壊れそうな私に
In exchange for these last tears, since I’m about to break
笑ってよ 背を向けたら
Please smile, and turn your back on me
ここで 永遠に眠るわ 二人が出会った日の夜明けに
I will sleep here forever, dreaming of the dawn from the day we first met
さようなら 目を閉じたら
Farewell, now I just have to close my eyes…