Translation of the song Ala je glupo zaboravit' njen broj artist Bijelo dugme
Ala je glupo zaboravit' njen broj
It was so stupid to forget her number
ja nikad ne zaboravljam
I never forget
i bolje pamtim
I always remember
tuđe, a i svoje
other people's numbers and my numbers too
ali sam glup
But I'm too stupid
da zapamtim njen broj
to remember her number
ja nikad ne zapišem njen
I never write it on the paper
šta mi je danas
What's wrong with me today?
o, ala je glupo
Oh it was so stupid
zaboravit njen broj
to forget her number
i vrtim
And I spin
i opet vrtim
and I spin it again
i opet đon
and nothing again
i vrtim
And I spin
taj prokleti telefon
that motherfucking phone
a što ne bi ona nazvala
And why can't she call me?
i ona ima
She also has
ovaj glupi stroj
this stupid machine
možda isto ona
Maybe she
ne pamti moj broj
can't remember my number, too
i onda mislim
And then I think:
nije loša stvar
It's not so bad,
a i što moram
and why do I have
javit se baš njoj
call just HER
možda je najbolje
Maybe it's the best
zaboraviti broj
to forget her number.