Translation of the song Bitanga i princeza artist Bijelo dugme
Bitanga i princeza
A Tramp And A Princess
Luda noć, ja sam momak
Crazy night, I’m a guy
na lošem glasu u ovom gradu
with a bad reputation in this city
a ko si ti, a ona kaže, luda noć
And who are you? And she says, crazy night
ja sam bila mamina princeza
I used to be mummy’s princess
sve do sad
up until now
I šta mi bi
And what came over me
al' tebe traže, ponoć je već
They’re looking for you, it’s midnight already
tebe traže, šta će tata reć'
They’re looking for you, what will daddy say?
bitanga i princeza par, ne ide to
a tramp and a princess as a couple
Sviće dan
The day is dawning
ja sam momak na lošem glasu
I’m a guy with bad reputation
u ovom gradu, sad moraš poć'
in this city, You got to go
a ona kaže, ma, ne trebam
and she says, but, it isn't necessary
još bi malo bila s tobom
I’d like to stay with you a bit longer
bas si dobar, još jednu noć
you’re really nice, one more night
ali tebe traže, jutro je već,
But they’re looking for you, it’s morning already
tebe traže, šta ce tata reć'
But they’re looking for you, what will daddy say
bitanga i princeza par, ne ide to
a tramp and a princess as a couple that doesn’t work
Rek'o sam joj da sam sit
I told her I was fed up with
i princeza i svih drugih
princesses and all other
prevarenih žena, a i nje
deceited women and with her as well
rek'o sam joj da ću otić'
I told her I’d leave
otić' iz ovog smiješnog grada
from this silly city
i da me pusti da spavam
and to let me sleep