Translation of the song Ciribiribela artist Bijelo dugme
Ako si, ljubo, pošla spat'
If, my love, you’re going to sleep
šta ćemo ja i ti
what are we gonna do
kao prvo vrata zaključati
First of all, lock the door
kao drugo prozor zatvoriti
Second, close the window
kao treće spustiti zavjese
Third, put down the curtains
ostat' ćemo doma i ljubit' se
We will stay in and kiss…
ostat' ćemo doma i ljubit' se
We will stay in and kiss…
Ako se sutra zarati
If a war starts tomorrow
moja mala, šta ćemo ja i ti
My dear what are we gonna do
vrata zaključati, prozore zatvoriti
Lock the door
spustiti zavjese
Close the windows
ostat' ćemo kući i ljubit' se
Put down the curtains
A kad pođe pucati
And when the shootings start
preko glave ćemo se pokriti
We’ll cover our heads
ispod male dekice
under little blanket
ja i ti i zvjezdice
You and me and the little stars
grickat' ćemo grozđe
We’ll eat grapes
čekat' ćemo rat da prođe
we’ll wait for the war to be over
Vodi me na ples (x3)
Take me dancing
Ćiribiribela moja mala
Chiribiribella, my little one
vodi me na ples (x3)
Take me dancing
Ali ako odem ne zaboravi me
And if I leave, don’t forget me
Ćiribiribela, odoh u marine
Chiribiribella, I’m joining the marines
Ona neće pit' kafe
She won't drink coffee
vengo čokoladu
dont' want chocolate
ona misli šempjasta
She thinks cutely
da se šoldi kradu
that money gets stolen
Biž'te mi vanka iz kuće
Get out of my house
jer ću te broštulinom
because I will grind you
ne šporkaj mi kužine
jer ću te mazininom