Translation of the song Drugovi i drugarice artist Bijelo dugme


Drugovi i drugarice

English translation

Comrades and companions

U početku bi nebo i zemlja

In beginning, there were sky and Earth

i tama nad bezdanom

And darkness above the abyss

neka bude svjetlo

Let it be light

i bi svjetlo

And there was light

Drugarice mamice

Comrade moms,

a gdje su vam ćerkice

Where are your daughters

eno ih po haustorima

They are on the staircases

ljube se sa mangupima

Kissing with hooligans

Ali izlaz ima do devet

But she can stay out till nine

ja sam stroga i budna

I'm strict and awake

ne brini, kad dođe u devet

Don't worry, when she comes home at nine

bit će već pet minuta trudna

She'll be five minutes pregnant already

Ooo, zvona zvone tope se maske

Oooo, bells are ringing, masks are melting

ooo, zvona zvone zvone

Oooo, bells are ringing, ringing

neki hvataju uljeze

Some people are catching the interlopers

Tatice mladići

Young dads,

gdje su vam sinčići

Where are your sons

tatine junačine

Dad's heros

smotane jointčine

Rolled joints

Ali izlaz ima do deset

But he can stay out till ten

ja sam čovjek strog i prijek

I'm strict and short-tempered man

al ne brini, u 5 do 10 je već tu

But don't worry, he's here at five to ten

uozbiljio se, od večeras je na fiksu

He got serious, he's doing drugs from this evening

Drugovi, drugarice

Comrades and companions

halo druže

Hey, comrade

ni ja nisam ono

Neither am I

za šta me pomalo drže

What they think I am

U početku bi nebo i zemlja

In beginning, there were sky and Earth

i tama nad bezdanom

And darkness above the abyss

neka bude svjetlo

Let it be light

i bi svjetlo

And there was light

I bi noć i bi dan

And there was night and there was day

i dođe bog i stvori sebe

And God comes and creates himself

i bog stvori sebi

And for himself,

pticu rugalicu

God created a mockingbird

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