Translation of the song Vojak artist Horkyze Slize
Ľud z našich dedín, šiel dobiť Berlín.
The people from our villages went to conquer Berlin
Manžel, otec syn i sused.
Husband, father, son and the neighbour too.
Vráť sa mi Boris, nemal si odísť.
Return Boris, you weren't supposed to go away
Ak sa nevrátiš, budem musieť.
If you don't return, I'll have to..
Dokonca života nosiť
Bring gerberas to graveyard
na cintorín gerbery.
until my life ends up
Stratí sa zmysel pre mňa žiť,
The sense for me to live will disappear
sama tráviť večery.
I'll have to spend my evenings alone
Dokonca života nosiť
Bring gerberas to graveyeard
na cintorín gerbery.
until my life ends up
Stratí sa zmysel pre mňa žiť,
The sense for me to live will disappear
sama tráviť ...
I'll have to spend alone...
Borisa žena, volá sa Lena,
Boris's wife, her name is Lena
čakala kedy on príde.
She was waiting until he comes
Všetci zomreli sa, okrem Borisa.
All have died, except Boris
On keď sa vrátil, Leny nikde.
When he returned, Lena had gone
Potom Boris Lene nosil
Then Boris brought to Lena
na cintorín gerbery.
the gerberas at the graveyard
Toto je láska jak má byť,
This is the true love
učte sa týnedžeri...
Learn, teenagars..!
Potom Boris Lene nosil
Then Boris brought to Lena
na cintorín gerbery.
the gerberas at the graveyard
Toto je láska jak má byť,
This is the true love