Translation of the song Glavni junak jedne knjige artist Bijelo dugme
Glavni junak jedne knjige
The Main Hero of One Book
Glavni junak jedne knjige
The main hero of one book
došao mi da se žali
came to me to complain
došao mi da se žali
came to me to complain
došao mi da se žali
came to me to complain
Divno bješe glavni biti
It was wonderful to be the main one,
dok me nisu pročitali
until they read me
dok me nisu pročitali
until they read me
dok me nisu pročitali
until they read me
Svijetu je svega dosta
The world has had enough of everything
ničeg željan nije osim
it wants nothing except
glavnih junaka
main heroes
Saznali su moje mane
They found out my flaws
moje tajne, moje tuge
my secrets, my sorrows
moje tajne, moje tuge
my secrets, my sorrows
moje tajne, moje tuge
my secrets, my sorrows
Pokidali neke strane
They cut out some pages
i pošli da traže druge
and went to search for others
i pošli da traže druge
and went to search for others
zatim pošli da traže druge
and then went to search for others
Svijetu je sveg', sveg', svega dosta
The world has had enough of everything, everything, everything
on čeka svog' gosta
he waits for his guest
a duša se trudi svaka
and every soul tries
da ima svog junaka
to have its own hero.