Translation of the song Hej Sloveni artist Bijelo dugme
Hej Sloveni
Hey Slavs
Hej, Sloveni, jošte živi
Hey, Slavs, You're still alive
Riječ naših djedova
Words of our grandfathers
Dok za narod srce bije
While for the people, beat the hearts
Njihovih sinova
of their sons
Živi, živi, duh slovenski
It lives, it lives, the Slavic spirit
Živjet ćeš vjekov'ma
You will live for centuries
Zalud prijeti ponor pakla
Vainly threatens the abyss of hell
Zalud vatra groma
Vainly the fire of the thunder
Nek' se sada i nad nama
Now let everything above us
Burom sve raznese
Be carried away by the bura*
Stjena puca, dub se lama
The boulder cracks, the oak breaks
Zemlja nek se trese
Let the Earth shake
Mi stojimo postojano
We stand steadily
Kano klisurine
Like cliffs
Proklet bio izdajica
Cursed be the traitor
Svoje Domovine
Of his native land