Translation of the song Ima Neka Tajna Veza artist Bijelo dugme
Ima Neka Tajna Veza
There is some secret link
Ima neka tajna veza
There is some secret link
Za sve ljude zakon krut
A rigid law for all people
Njome čovjek sebe veže
Man ties himself with it
Kada bira sebi put
When he chooses his path
Sidro koje ladju čuva
The anchor that guards the ship
Da ne bude buri plijen
So it would`t be gale`s prey
Tone skupa sa tom ladjom
Sinks together with that ship
Jer je ono dio nje
Because it`s part of her
Ima neka tajna veza
There is some secret bound
Tajna veza za sve nas
Secret bound for all of us
Ima neka tajna veza
There is some secret bound
Tajna veza za sve nas
A secret link foar all of us