Translation of the song Ipak Pozelim Neko Pismo artist Bijelo dugme
Ipak Pozelim Neko Pismo
I still desire for some letter
Nisam te izgleda volio mnogo,
It looks like I didnt love you much
Sve je po starom al' više nisam tvoj.
Everything is like before, but I am not yours anymore
I nije mi važno s kime noćas
And I dont care with who
Slušaš ovu pjesmu i plačes li.
You are listening this song tonight and if you are crying.
Ipak poželim neko pismo,
I still desire for some letter
Ipak mada zajedno nismo.
Still, although we are not together.
Piši, piši ko nekad dva-tri reda,
Write, write like you used to, two- three lines
Piši, znam da je gužva i da nećeš stići,
Write, I know you are in hurry and you wont have time
Piši, opiši mjesta gdje nas dvoje skupa
Write, describe the places where
Nikada nećemo ići.
We will never go together.
Ti si zadnji romantik na ovom svijetu
You are the last romanticist on this world
Što se sporo kreće i čeka raj.
Which is moving slowly and waiting for heaven.
Malo si samo promijenila glumce,
You have just changed performers a bit,
Al' isti je komad, isti zaplet i kraj.
But its the same play, same entanglement and end (finish).