Translation of the song Izgledala je malo čudno artist Bijelo dugme


Izgledala je malo čudno

English translation

She Looked A Bit Weird

Izgledala je malo čudno

she looked a bit weird

u kaputu žutom krojenom bez veze

in a yellow coat with a strange cut

Pričala je uvijek mnogo

she always talked a lot

filmovi, knjige, moda i uvijek sve bez veze

movies, books, fashion and always everything meaningless

Heeeej, i ko zna zašto se sjećam nje

heyyy and who knows why I remember her

Govorio sam da je glupa,

I used to call her stupid

da se oblači smiješno a ona je rekla pa šta.

told her that she dressed funny but she said - so what?

Lagala je ženski loše

she was such a bad liar, like women usually are

Klela se u Boga, plakala ponekad pa ništa

she swore by God, cried sometimes and then nothing

Ponekad je sretnem

sometimes I meet her

čini mi se da je sama

It appears as if she is alone

ne znam zašto.

I don't know why

Imao sam poslije

After her, I had

i druge ljepše žene od nje...

other more beautiful women than her

Sve mi se čini da volim je.

It totally seems to me that I love her

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