Translation of the song Lijepa Naša artist Bijelo dugme
Lijepa Naša
Our beautiful
Ponekad sanjam letimo
Sometimes I dream that we fly
Letimo sami ko ukleti
That we fly alone like we are cursed
Sanjam vjetar sjeverac
I dream about northern wind
Krila umara
Which tires the wings
A ja i ti, sokol i sokolica
And me and you, hawk and she-hawk
Tražimo rame sokolara
Looking for a hawker's shoulder
Lijepa naša domovino
Our beautiful homeland,
Oj junačka zemljo mila
Heroic sweet country
Tamo daleko
There, far away
Tamo daleko
There, far away
Tamo daleko
There, far away
Daleko od mora
Far away from sea
Daleko od mora
Far away from sea
Ponekad Božić sanjam
Sometimes I dream about Christmas
Onda me bude vozovi
Then trains wake me up
Sa moga jastuka ka jugu putuju
They travel to south from my pillow
Tamo gdje moje srce stanuje
To the place where my heart lives
Tamo na Božić za mnom tuguju
Where people mourn for me on Christmas