Translation of the song Mogla je biti prosta priča artist Bijelo dugme


Mogla je biti prosta priča

English translation

It could have been a dirty story

U stvari ordinarna priča

Actually, it was an ordinary story

Kao pepeljuga

Like a Cinderella

Telefon, krevet, malo pića

A phone, a bed and a little bit of booze

I zaplet i poruka

And plot and message

I sve je moglo sasvim tako biti

And everything could be just like that

Da nije ritam brz

If the rhytm wasn't fast

Već' bi se snašli i ona i ti

You and her could have found the soluton

Uz valcer, tango i bluz

In waltz, tango and blues

Mogla je biti prosta priča

It could have been a dirty story

Fina, duhovita

Nice and funny

Malo žurskog kiča

A little bit of dance kitsch

I lagane muzike

And light music

I sve je moglo samo tako biti

And everything could have been just like that

Proš'o bi, proš'o bi fol

That, that could have passed easily

Već' bi se snašli i ona i ti

You and her could have found the soluton

Al' ne znaš plesat rock and roll

But you don't know how to rock'n'roll

A to je baš prosta stvar

And that's just a dirty thing

A vi ste baš zgodan par

And you two are really nice couple

Probajte, baš prosta stvar

Check it out, that's a really dirty thing

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