Translation of the song Ne dese se takve stvari pravome muškarcu artist Bijelo dugme


Ne dese se takve stvari pravome muškarcu

English translation

These things don't happen to real man

to što izgledam

If I look

kao da sam tužan

Like I'm sad

i kao da patim malo

And like I suffer a little

i to što ti pišem

And if I write you

duga pisma

Long letters

i što te pratim stalno

And if I follow you all the time

nije znak nije znak (x2)

It doesn't mean, it doesn't mean (x2)

nije znak da sam zaljubljen u tebe

It doesn't mean that I'm in love with you

nisam lud

I'm not crazy

ti si mi uvijek bila

You have always been

samo dobar drug

Just a good friend of mine

ni to što noću ne mogu da spavam

And if I can't sleep at nights

i što ti pod prozor dođem

And if I come under your window

i to što se pravim kao da ne gledam

And if I pretend that I don't look

kad kraj tebe prođem

When I pass next to you

nije znak, nije znak (x2)

It doesn't mean, it doesn't mean (x2)

ja nisam nikad bio zaljubljen (x2)

I have never been in love (x2)

ne dese se takve stvari pravome muškarcu

These things don't happen to real man

to se desi slabiću samo

It happens only to sissies

nemoj da pomisliš

Don't think

da sam zaljubljen u tebe

That I'm in love with you

jer mi se plače nekad

If I have to cry sometimes

ni to što se dotjerujem stalno

And if I spruce all the time

više nego ikad

More than ever

nije znak, nije znak (x2)

It doesn't mean, it doesn't mean (x2)

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