Translation of the song Neću To Na Brzaka artist Bijelo dugme
Neću To Na Brzaka
I don't want a quickie
Pjesma lažljiva
The song is a liar
Ti nestrpljiva
You are impatient
Uvijek sam žurio
I've always rushed
Al sad bih volio
But now, first thing I would like
Prvo tiho na uho
Would be quiet whispering
Šaputati, šaputati
In your ear, in your ear
Ne mora nam se zaboga
For goodness sake, not everything
Sve odjednom desiti
Has to happen in the same time
A šta šaputati
And what to whisper
To ne trebaju ni
Not even
Ptice znati
Birds should know that
Jer bi mogle propjevati
Because they could sing about it
Nek se ne trese ulica
The street shall not shake
Od praska tvoga poljupca
Because of your smack
Nek se ne trese ulica
The street shall not shake
Od praska tvoga poljupca
Because of your smack
Odmori, oduši, košulje osuši
Stop, take a break, chill out
I opet
And again
Rijeka duboka
River is deep
Planina visoka
Mountain is high
Vidim otprve
I can see it right
Mrštiš obrve
You're frowning your eyebrows
I ono ćemo raditi
We'll do it too
Al slađe je odgoditi
But it's sweeter to delay
Ne mora nam se zaboga
For goodness sake, not everything
Sve odjednom desiti
Has to happen in the same time
A šta šaputati
And what to whisper
To ne trebaju ni
Not even
Ptice znati
Birds should know that
Jer bi mogle propjevati
Because they could sing about it
Nek se ne trese ulica
The street shall not shake
Od praska tvoga poljupca
Because of your smack
Nek se ne trese ulica
The street shall not shake
Od praska tvoga poljupca
Because of your smack
Neću to na brzaka
I don't want a quicke
Ni na kvarnjaka
Nor a nasty thing
Neću to na brzaka
I don't want a quicke