Translation of the song Ništa mudro artist Bijelo dugme


Ništa mudro

English translation

Nothing wise

Očekuju da kažem

They always expect me to say

uvijek nešto o suštini

something essential.

o tome nije rek'o ni Aristotel

Neither Aristotle ever said something

Bog zna šta

god-knows-how clever

pa smo živi

and yet we live.



Ja hoću pomalo da pjevam

I want to sing a bit

i da pišem pjesme

and write songs,

al' je ovo dobro za ples

but this is quite good for dancing.

I kad malo bolje razmišlim

And when I think a bit more about it,

sasvim je svejedno

it doesn't matter

ko u kojem vozu sjedi

who sits in which train.

putovanje je divna stvar

Travelling is a beautiful thing.

kako ko voli

To each his own.

Ja ću pjevati o ljubavi

I will sing about love,

nekad malo tužno

sometimes a bit sadly.

Al' je ovo dobro za ples

But this is good for dancing.

r'n'r to je samo r'n'r

Rock 'n' roll, it's just rock 'n' roll.

r'n'r ništa mudro r'n'r

Rock 'n' roll, nothing wise, rock 'n' roll

i ništa drugo

and nothing else

ali mi sviđa

but I like

baš to

just that.

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