Noćas je k'o lubenica
Tonight, like a watermelon,
pun mjesec iznad Bosne.
The moon over Bosnia is full
Noćas je pun mjesec
Tonight the moon is full
k'o nekad, moja bivša draga,
as was once my former love
i moja duša noćas
And my soul tonight
pokucat će na tvoja vrata.
will knock on your door
Stavim bosiljka pod jastuke
I put basil under my pillow
moja duša da te lakše pronađe
so that my soul can find you more easily
Noćas je k'o lubenica
Tonight, like a watermelon,
pun mjesec iznad Bosne.
the moon over Bosnia is full
Mi nismo mogli zajedno
We couldn't do it together
a teško nam je razdvojeno.
But it's hard for us, when we're apart
Tanka je linija što spaja i razdvaja
The line that unites and separates is very thin
a gore usred zvijezdica
But up there, in the middle of the stars,
vidim sliku tvog lica
I see the picture of your face,
u noći punog mjeseca.
On the nights of the full moon
Noćas je pun mjesec
Tonight the moon is full
k'o nekad, moja bivša draga,
as was once my former lover,
i na prstima tiho
And I'll tiptoe silently
sići ću s linija tvog dlana.
out of the lines of your palm
Volio bih e da mi je
I would love it, hey, if I could
prije no zaspeš da ti sletim na zjene.
land on your pupils just before you fall asleep
Noćas je k'o lubenica
Tonight, like a watermelon,
pun mjesec iznad Bosne.
The moon over Bosnia is full.