Translation of the song Pravim budalu od sebe artist Bijelo dugme
Pravim budalu od sebe
I make a fool out of myself
Vidiš da eee
you see that i
pravim budalu od sebe
make a fool out of myself
U tebi je lisica
there's a fox inside of you
and it's shuffling
u tebi je vučica
there's a wolf inside of you
i golubica
and a dove
A mjesec je nisko
and the moon is low
i odgovara sav u cvijeću
and responds to flowers
a srce mi visi
and my heart is hanging
kao dugme na kaputu
like a button from my coat
A ne brini se za mene
don't worry about me
preživjet ću (*4)
i'll survive
jer ja sam stari isluženi vojnik
because i'm just an old worn out soldier
i u srcu antimelanholik
and in my heart i'm a anti-melancholic
ali dušo sad sam pored tebe
but honey when i'm beside you
vidiš da eee
you see that i
pravim budalu od sebe
make a fool out of myself
U tebi je anđeo i trista đavola
there's an angel and three hundred devils inside of you
u tebi je opijum i ljuta rakija
there's an opium and bitter brandy inside of you
a kad pijem
but when i drink
ja se ne napijem
i don't get drunk
a kad ljubim
and when i kiss
ja se ne zaljubim
i don't fall in love