Translation of the song Šta bi dao da si na mom mjestu artist Bijelo dugme
Šta bi dao da si na mom mjestu
What would I give for you to be me
Šta bi dao da si na mom mjestu?
What would I give for you to be me?
Da te mrze, a da ti se dive
Everybody to hate you, but to admire you
Šta bi dao?
What would I give?
Šta bi dao za veliku gestu,
What would I give for a big gest,
Mjesto svoga da tvoj život žive?
Instead of mine to live your life?
Šta bi dao?
What would I give?
Ti, budi srećan sad što si preko puta
You, better be happy now that you're on the other side
I što nas strašni lijet nad provalijom dijeli,
And that the terrible cast over the precipice divides us,
Jer ovo je mojih pet minuta,
Cause this is my five minutes,
A pred tobom stoji – život cijeli.
And in front of you stans - a whole life
Šta bi dao da možeš ovako
What would you give to do this
Dići ruke, a puk da te slijedi?
Put your hands up while the regiment follows you?
Šta bi dao?
What would you give?
Da l’ bi i ti u svom srcu plak’o,
Would you, inside of your heart cry
Kao što se moje srce ledi?
Like my heart freezes?
Da l’ bi i ti?
Would yours too?
Ti, budi srećan sad što si preko puta
You, better be happy now that you're on the other side
I što nas strašni lijet nad provalijom dijeli,
And that the terrible cast over the precipice divides us,
Jer ovo je mojih pet minuta,
Cause this is my five minutes,
A pred tobom stoji – život cijeli.
And in front of you stans - a whole life
Ti, budi srećan sad što si preko puta
You, better be happy now that you're on the other side
I što nas strašni lijet nad provalijom dijeli,
And that the terrible cast over the precipice divides us,
Jer ovo je mojih pet minuta,
Cause this is my five minutes,
A pred tobom stoji, o, život cijeli…
And in front of you stans - a whole life