Translation of the song Šta Ima Novo artist Bijelo dugme


Šta Ima Novo

English translation

What's New

Meni je uvijek trebao

I've always needed

Neko da te samo zaboravim

Someone to just forget you

Pozlata na sivilu

A gilt on the greyness

Poljupci k’o u bunilu

Delirious kisses

Pored mene žene marširaju

Women march before me

Korak il’ dva

A pace or two

I brzo nestaju

And quickly disappear

A cipele me stare žuljaju

But I've got blisters from these old shoes

Meni je uvijek trebao

I've always needed

Neko da te samo zaboravi

Someone to just forget you

Idem ali ne odmičem

I go but I won't leave

Letim ali ne polijećem

I fly but I don't take off

Pokušavam al’ uvijek isto je

I try but it's always the same

Biram žene

I choose women

Što liče na tebe

Who look like you

Prolaze dani, idu godine

Days pass, years go by

Ej šta ima novo kod tebe

Hey, what's new with you?

Jedno te isto kod mene

It's the same as ever with me

I uvijek je bilo

And it's always been

Isto ludilo

The same madness

Isto ludilo

The same madness

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