Translation of the song Šta je tu je artist Bijelo dugme
Šta je tu je
It Is What It Is*
Mislio sam, mislio sam
I had thought, I had thought
mislio sam sve će stati
I had thought everything would stop
kad se moja pjesma čuje
when my song was heard
svi će sa mnom zapjevati
everyone would sing along with me
Šta je
It is*
a sad šta je tu je
but now it is what it is
šta je, sta je
It is, it is
a sad šta je tu je
but now it is what it is
Šta se može, šta se može
What can you do, what can you do
ostavio nisam traga
I left no traces
skratilo mi vrijeme, tu je
my time was shortened, it's here,
izvana je divlja snaga
a wild force is outside
Ništa više, ništa više
Nothing more, nothing more,
nista više nije čudno
nothing is strange anymore
protiv vjetra i oluje
against wind and storm
pjevati je uzaludno
singing is futile
Ref. 4x
Ref. 4x