Translation of the song Sve ću da ti dam samo da zaigram artist Bijelo dugme
Sve ću da ti dam samo da zaigram
I'll give anything just to dance
Sviraj, jedna žena zna
Play, one woman knows
zašto nemam sna
why I can't sleep
Igram sam,
I dance alone
dat ću zadnji groš
I'll give my last penny
samo da igram još
just to dance some more
Sviraj, krv mi noćas vri
Play, my blood is boiling tonight
vinom bojim svijet
I'm colouring the world with wine
gorim sav
I'm burning completely
Dat ću zadnji groš
I'll give my last penny
samo da igram još
just to dance some more
Sviraj cijelu noć
Play it all night
sviraj cijelu noć
play it all night
Kuću da ti dam
I'll give you my house
dušu da ti dam
I'll give you my soul
konja da prodam
I'll sell my horse
sve ću da ti dam
I'll give you anything
samo da zaigram
just do I can dance