Translation of the song Te noci kad umrem, kad odem, kad me ne bude artist Bijelo dugme
Te noci kad umrem, kad odem, kad me ne bude
The night when I die, when I leave, when I won't be there
Te noći kad me stignu potjere
The night when the chasings reach me
kurve sudbine
of the bitch destiny
i kada uđem iza ovoga
and when I come in after this
kao kod rodbine
like with kin
Kao zvijezda padalica
Like a falling star
ko neki lijepi kaput
like some nice coat
sa dva lica
with two faces
Te noći zebšćeš na tvom prozoru
That night you'll freeze on your window
umornih očiju
with tired eyes
teško je čekati na vozove
it's hard to wait for the trains
koji tumaraju
which roam
To je teško
That's hard
a lako je
but it's easy
živjeti i umrijeti
to live and die
pile moje
my chick
Te noći, te noći kad umrem
That night, that night when i die
kada odem, kad me ne bude
when i leave, when i won't be there
samo će dvije žene da se probude
only two women will wake up
jedna je moja mati ona će plakati
one is my mother, she will cry
druga si ti, ti ćeš me kleti
the other is you, you will curse me