Translation of the song Tramvaj kreće artist Bijelo dugme


Tramvaj kreće

English translation

Tram is setting off

Čini se da nisam

It seem that I'm not

Princ iz tvoje bajke

A prince from your fairy tale

Čak ni paž

Not even a heed

Al' ovo nije doba Romea i Julije

But this isn't Romeo and Juliet's time

To znaš

You know that

Ja nemam ni zmaja, nemam bijelog konja

I don't have a dragon, I don't have a white horse

Nemam mač

I don't have a sword

Ni iza sedam gora, iza sedam mora

And behind seven mountains and seven seas

Ništa baš

I have absolutely nothing

Tramvaj kreće...

Tram is setting off

Ti sanjaš dlakavo muško

You're dreaming about a hairy male

Lude strasti, krv i znoj

Crazy passion, blood and sweat

U dvoje istorija, Ričard Lavljeg Srca samo tvoj

History for two, Richard the Lionheart only yours

Danas u četiri, šest i osam

Today at four, six and eight

Tvoj junak gine i zadnjim dahom

Your hero dies and with his last breath

Tvoje ime šapuće u mrak.

He whispers your name

Evo tramvaj kreće...

Tram is setting off

Reci mi

Tell me

Reci, reci mi, ti prepametna

Tell me, tell me, you smart-ass

Reci, reci mi, ti prezelena

Tell me, tell me, you greenhorn

Kako biti heroj u ova šugava vremena

How to be a hero in this scabby time

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