Translation of the song U vrijeme odkazanih letova artist Bijelo dugme
U vrijeme odkazanih letova
In times of cancelled flights
Vani je smog
It's smog outside,
a decembar i mrak
December and dark,
decembar i mrak
December and dark.
U kasni sat
In a late hour,
crkava moj grad
My city dies.
Ej kamo sreće
Chance would be a fine thing,
da si tu ovo veče
that you were here tonight,
perzijska princezo
O Persian Princess.
planeta uzdaha
planet of sighs.
od graha i kupusa
From peas and cabbage,
graha i kupusa
Peas and cabbage.
Miris Istambula
The scent of Istanbul,
sa tvojih usana
From your lips.
miris Istambula
The scent of Istanbul,
u vrijeme otkazanih letova
In times of cancelled flights.