Translation of the song Zamisli artist Bijelo dugme



English translation


Kao da sam drogiran,

As if I’m on drugs,

Kao programiran.

As if I’m programmed.

Kao da me furaju,

As if they are driving me,

Kao da me ljuljaju.

As if they are swaying me.

Zamisli na bijelom konju

Imagine, on a white horse

Kako nebom sipaš smaragde.

You’re pouring emeralds across the sky.

Zamisli galopiraš

Imagine galloping

Sam po nebu od marmelade

Alone in the sky made of marmalade

Pjevušiš neke pjesmice,

Humming some little songs.

Vjetar ti šiba u lice.

Wind whipping your face.

Kao da sam drogiran,

As if I’m on drugs,

Kao programiran.

As if I’m programmed.

Kao da me furaju,

As if they are driving me,

Kao da me ljuljaju.

As if they are swaying me.

Na tren.

For a moment.

A ja sam samo malo zaljubljen.

But I am just a little bit in love.

Zamisli da poletiš

Imagine you start to fly

I da nikad ne ateriraš.

and never land

Zamisli zažmiriš

Imagine, you squint

A onda kao da eksplodiraš.

and then, as if you explode

Zamisli da kao obloge

Imagine, like compresses

Ritam ti lijepe za noge.

they are putting rhythm on your feet

Kao da sam drogiran,

As if I’m on drugs,

Kao programiran.

As if I’m programmed.

Kao da me furaju,

As if they are driving me,

Kao da me ljuljaju.

As if they are swaying me.

Na tren.

For a moment.

A ja sam samo malo zaljubljen.

But I am just a little bit in love.

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